me vs. conventional medicine.
let the games begin....
actually, i'm not messing around. when it comes to my body and my wellness, its no joking matter. i understand that there is a time and place for conventional medicine. after my accident, i needed a screw in my wrist.... thanks to surgery, i will be up and running again much sooner, and more able to do the things i love. 1 point for conventional medicine.... but that's only the beginning.
conventional medicine has also done me wrong. the main offender: percocet. told that i "needed" to take pills every 4 hours (even while sleeping), i left the doctors' office feeling helpless and afraid. but, once i came out of my pharma-induced haze and actually FELT my body again, i decided to ditch big business and go in search of some plant-based healing.
i began close to home, sending my friends and family to the market for pineapple, ginger, and berries. i brewed ginger tea (recipe to follow) to soothe my digestive system and ease inflammation. i started eating pineapple daily; the bromelaine in pineapple helps with swelling, too. the berries (yummy raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries) filled my body with powerful antioxidants to ward against free radicals. i also made a yummy chai-like tea to lessen inflammation, relax my nerves, and help me sleep through the night (recipe to follow).
my next plan of action: the by-donation student clinic at the local ohlone center of herbal studies. for an hour and a half, a kind woman sat with me and asked questions over a hot cup of tea. she learned about my symptoms and concerns, then worked her magic, returning with a package full of plant-love-medicine. a tea blend of comfrey root, nettle, and red clover. arnica and comfrey oil to apply topically for bruises and swelling. a tincture of comfrey, st. johns wort, bonset, yarrow, and gotu kola to heal my bones and joints, as well as soothe inflammation. and a tincture of kava-kava with corydalis to soothe pain. pure 100% organic, wildcrafted, and handmade with love.
beat that "big pharma"!
ginger tea:
4 inches of fresh ginger root, skin on, sliced in nickles
8 cups filtered water
juice of 2 lemons
pinch of cayenne
spoon full of honey (if desired)
simmer slices of fresh ginger root in filtered water until liquid reduces to half, add rest of ingredients, stir and enjoy
chai-like tea:
2 tsp fresh grated ginger root
4 whole cardamon seeds
8 whole cloves
1 whole cinnamon stick
1 nutmeg seed, broken in quarters
2 tsp ashwaganhda (dried herb, acts as a calming nervine amongst other things, available locally at lhasa karnak herb shop)
8 cups of water
1 cup oat milk or almond if you prefer
honey, if desired
simmer the spices and herb in the water until reduced by half. strain the pieces, add the milk and honey.
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